CHATGPT : Is it a BOON or BANE for Digital Marketing Industry?

Along with changing trends and technologies are also changing. ChatGPT emerged as sensational technology in the internet world. It is delivering definite information, if you ask a question wrongly, it is warning you about the wrongness of the question, unlike the Google search engine. It is solving the student queries, fetching the child stories, and … Read more

5 Common Mistakes Businesses Do In Digital Marketing

It’s 2023 and whatever you’re doing, we’re sure digital marketing is an essential part of your marketing. Since the average person spends 6.5 hours online every day, your next customer will likely find you online. Therefore, every business must have a solid digital marketing strategy in place. But companies make mistakes in their digital marketing … Read more

How Sangyaa PRs Digital Marketing Expertise Helps Your Ecommerce Business to reach next level

Today, many successful businesses are born in a digital environment, grow and thrive, earning millions despite the lack of physical stores. Even brands with physical stores are now turning to e-commerce to increase their brand awareness. With the right strategy, a business can reach potential customers with a simple click and generate more sales. If … Read more

5 reasons why Sangyaa PR Could be the Best Choice for PR Services in Central India

Digital media presence and wide reach is what every business strives to achieve as much creatively as possible with the motive to cater to their targeted audiences. We here at Sangyaa ensure you an identity to stand out from your competitors and garner an unparalleled reputation. While Public Relations, Social Media and Digital enrichment are … Read more

How Sangyaa PR is Changing the Brand Identity of Their Clients with Top Digital Marketing Services?

With emerging business sales targets and needs, the demand for respective product/service marketing has grown multifold times as well. Following the recent marketing trends, digital marketing has witnessed substantial growth in the Industry’s scope and respective objectives. Every business comes with varying objectives, say creating a buzz in the marketto Lead Generation ultimately. As a … Read more